Launceston Players presents

The Pillowman

Event Venue

Earl Arts Centre, Launceston

Event Dates & Times

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  • Wed, Apr 24 2024 7:30pm
  • Thu, Apr 25 2024 4:30pm
  • Fri, Apr 26 2024 7:30pm
  • Sat, Apr 27 2024 2:00pm
  • Sat, Apr 27 2024 7:30pm


Running Time

165 minutes (including 15 minute interval)


  • Full - $45.00
  • Concession - $40.00
  • Student - $20.00
  • Group of 6 plus - $36.00 each


Suitable for 15 years and older

Strong coarse language, simulated gunfire and adult themes occur in this performance

Pensioner, Senior and Full-time Student Concession Cards Accepted

School group bookings and prices are available for this show.
Contact the Ticketing Services Manager for booking enquiries and details.

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Launceston Players presents

The Pillowman

'The first duty of a storyteller is to tell a story' or was it 'The only duty of a storyteller is to tell a story'

In a totalitarian state, a writer is questioned about a spate of murders that bear similarities to his short stories. Is this life imitating art or something more sinister?

This black comedy, widely regarded as one of the greatest plays of the past 25 years, examines the role of the artist in society and asks what price do we pay for freedom of expression.

Martin McDonagh’s ‘The Pillowman’ was an award-winning triumph in London and New York, and is now to be staged in Launceston.

The story is based around Katurian, an author of short stories. We find him in an interrogation cell, but he is not certain why he is being held, although he thinks it might have something to do with what he has written. Enter a good cop/bad cop pair to try to get to the truth. McDonagh’s story unfolds with all the suspense and horror of a fabulous thriller.

‘The Pillowman’ is a black comedy (and is about as black as it gets), and the script is bristling with witty and thought-provoking dialogue. Secretly, it might be about the power of tenderness and thoughtfulness, or it might be about the deadly responsibilities of artists. Either way, it’s a captivating night of entertainment, beginning with the dangerous power of ‘Once upon a time!’.

show info

Access Seating:
Please contact the Box Office by email or call 6331 0052 to discuss seating options. Information on venue and performance accessibility is available here.