Terrapin in association with Theatre North presents

The Riddle of Washpool Gully

Event Venue

Earl Arts Centre, Launceston

George Town Memorial Hall, George Town

Meander Valley Performing Arts Centre, Deloraine

Event Dates & Times


  • Admit One (Friends) - $22.00
  • Family of 4 (Friends) - $20.00 each
  • Admit One - $25.00
  • Family of 4 - $22.00 each

Choose Seats


Meander Valley Performing Arts Centre
Wednesday 09 October, 6:00 pm

George Town Memorial Hall
Thursday 10 October, 6:00 pm

Earl Arts Centre
Friday 11 October, 6:00 pm
Saturday 12 October, 11:00 am

Babes in Arms (Under 2 years)
All Babes in Arms require a ticket, available from the Box Office

Ticket Limits and Print Delays apply
All tickets issued no later than one week prior to the event

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Terrapin in association with Theatre North presents

The Riddle of Washpool Gully

Far beyond the outskirts of the big city, near a tiny town that nearly everyone forgot, lay a lonely creek bed of no special significance. Once upon a time it was called Washpool Gully.

But the world had moved on from insignificant things, and no one had time for lonely creek beds. Except in Washpool Gully, something was stirring. Shaken by the rumble of engines and the darkening of the sky, something long asleep had decided to wake up.

Combining old-fashioned storytelling with contemporary puppetry and miniature sets, The Riddle of Washpool Gully is a reimagined tale of Australian mythology about incredible creatures that might still live in the uncharted corners of our vast country.

The Riddle of Washpool Gully is a collaboration between Terrapin and celebrated Brisbane production and design house Dead Puppet Society.

Image by Peter Mathew

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show info

Access Seating:
Please contact the Box Office by email or call 6331 0052 to discuss seating options. Information on venue and performance accessibility is available here.

Processing Fee Info:
A processing fee of $6 applies to tickets purchased online.
This is a per transaction fee, not per ticket fee, which will be applied at checkout.