Newman Entertainment presents

Dracula's: Sanctuary

Event Venue

Princess Theatre, Launceston

Event Dates & Times

Running Time

100 minutes (including 20 minute interval)


  • A Reserve - $119.00
  • B Reserve - $104.00
  • C Reserve / Restricted View - $89.00

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Suitable for 15 years and over
Adult themes (drug references, sexual references), partial nudity, coarse language, loud music, strobe, haze and fog occur in this performance.

No flash photography or recording. 

Ticket Limits and Print Delays apply
All tickets issued no later than one week prior to the event

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Newman Entertainment presents

Dracula's: Sanctuary

Iconic vaudevillian variety show Dracula’s is returning to Launceston with their brand-new show, ‘Sanctuary’.

Remember their sold-out 2023 tour that left audiences breathless (and envious of after-party rumours)? That was just the appetiser!

This time, ‘Dracula’s: Sanctuary’ returns with a carnal cocktail of the undead and criminally insane. From death-defying aerial acrobatics to knockout vocals – get ready for a blockbuster show, set to dazzle, and delight in a way only Dracula’s can.

With a killer cast of local and international artists, ‘Dracula’s: Sanctuary’ will leave you screaming for more – and maybe an encore.

Born in a Melbourne laneway in 1980, Dracula’s has become an Australian entertainment icon. The risqué burlesque, comedy show, brought to life by Newman Entertainment, has kept more than five million attendees in suspense, surprise and in stitches over the 43 years it has been running.

Grab your tickets now and prepare to be seduced, shocked, and entertained. Just remember, this is a judgment-free zone.

So, what are you waiting for? Check in to ‘Dracula’s: Sanctuary’, where blood is the elixir, but laughter is the best medicine.

show info

Access Seating:
Please contact the Box Office by email or call 6331 0052 to discuss seating options. Information on venue and performance accessibility is available here.

Processing Fee Info:
A processing fee of $6 applies to tickets purchased online.
This is a per transaction fee, not per ticket fee, which will be applied at checkout.