St Patrick's College presents


Art NIght

Event Venue

Princess Theatre, Launceston

Event Dates & Times

Running Time

140 minutes (including 20 minute interval)


  • Full - $20.00
  • Concession - $15.00
  • Student - $10.00
  • Child - $10.00

Choose Seats


All Ages event

Haze and loud, dynamic sound occurs in this event

All Babes in Arms (2 years and under) will require a ticket, available from the Box Office.

Dedicated school performance:
Friday 10 May, 12:00 pm

Please contact the Ticketing Services Manager for school booking enquiries, details and pricing.

Ticket Limits and Print Delays apply
All tickets issued no later than one week prior to the event

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St Patrick's College presents


Art NIght

St. Patrick's College is pleased to present its 2024 Performance Project, ' Wonder'.

'Wonder' is a concert showcasing small group and solo dance pieces, drama vignettes, and contemporary musical items by students from Year 7 to 12, with the highlight being our entry into the Wakairri National Story-Dance Festival, which will be filmed during the show.

show info

Access Seating:
Please contact the Box Office by email or call 6331 0052 to discuss seating options. Information on venue and performance accessibility is available here.

Processing Fee Info:
A processing fee of $6 applies to tickets purchased online.
This is a per transaction fee, not per ticket fee, which will be applied at the end of your purchase.